Google's August 2023 Core Search Update

Affected by Google’s August 2023 Core Update? Don’t Panic!

Google launched its second core update of 2023 during the second half of August. As is common with these updates, the traffic headed toward your site could experience noticeable gains, tremendous drops, or huge swings in either direction. 

The update can take a couple of weeks to fully roll out. However, the proverbial dust settling around traffic issues can take longer, BUT it’s important to avoid panicking. If Google’s August 2023 core update has affected your site, keep this information in mind.

  • DON’T assume that Google is penalizing your site or that there’s something else wrong so you go in and start tinkering on the technical side of things. 
  • DO remember that Google is always looking for ways to improve its promotion of content that is high quality and highly relevant. 
  • DON’T ignore traffic decreases altogether because there could be new pages out that have content Google now considers more relevant.
  • DO take stock of your content and it meets Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines. Those letters stand for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. 
  • DON’T forget about other SEO techniques like local SEO, such as your Google My Business listing.
  • DO remember that at the end of the day, you’re creating content for real people who are shopping for vehicles. High rankings make you visible but don’t sell your vehicles.

The only constant about SEO is that it’s always changing, but Chumney & Associates can help you navigate this ever-evolving landscape by helping you create quality content and optimized websites that provide an easy user experience. Contact us today and let’s get started!