
Video Content Rules

They say a picture is worth 1000 words. If that is true, then imagine the value placed on video. Studies show that video will account for 80% of global internet traffic by the year 2019. With the bulk of internet traffic trending to video in the coming years, you don’t want to miss this opportunity to expand your reach.

When it comes to the internet content there is a distinct hierarchy in play. On the bottom you have bland text-only content. You can garner some engagement using only text, but chances are your numbers won’t be astronomical. Moving up one space, images are placed firmly in the middle of the hierarchy. Images, especially dynamic and captivating images, are a great way to get people to interact with your brand. It is more likely that people will react to an image than they would to text. However, the king, the top of the pyramid is video.

Statistics show that video can grab viewer’s attention like no other source can. In fact, studies show that you are 53% more likely to show up in a Google search if your content contains an embedded video. Seventy six percent of internet users said they would share a branded video with their friends if it was entertaining. Isn’t it time you considered video for your internet marketing?

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