
Streaming News: Navigating Advertising in a Political Year

Streaming News: Navigating Advertising in a Political Year

Election years are a time of great political engagement.  People are more likely to be paying attention to news during election years, which means they are more likely to be seeing your ads. At the same time, this valuable news inventory is often pre-empted for political candidates.  It creates a mess of your well-planned campaign, and you’ll be lucky if half your schedule still stays in place.  

 If you are looking for a way to reach a large and growing audience with your automotive dealership ads, then streaming news programming is a great option. 

In addition to these reasons, advertising your automotive dealership in streaming news programming during an election year can also help you to:

With a curated streaming news package, you can reach news consumers wherever they are, whatever device they are using. On the other hand with traditional television, viewers are limited to watching the news on a specific channel at a specific time – and hopefully they get to see your spot (if it does not get pre-empted).

Our curated streaming news package allows us to reach a wider audience and ensure that they are seeing your ad, regardless of which publisher or device or platform they use to consume their news. Our team of experts is here to help you get started. Contact us today!

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