3 Focus Points for Marketing to the Next Generation of Car Buyers

Marketing to the Next Generation of Car Buyers

As we look toward marketing to the next generation of car buyers, what do we think will be at the top of their automotive wish lists? Gen Zers are entering adulthood and beginning their careers, so automotive dealerships now have a whole new generation of car buyers to whom they can market vehicles. This group of tech-savvy, environmentally-conscious consumers are …

6 best practices for automotive email blasts

6 Best Practices for Automotive Email Blasts

Email marketing offers an easy method to reach a wide range of potential customers. However, dozens of emails flood a single inbox on a daily basis. Make your dealership’s messages stand out by following these six best practices for automotive email blasts. Day of the Week: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are typically the best days to send emails. People are …

difference between SEO & content marketing

What’s the Difference Between Search Engine Optimization and Content Marketing?

Two of the most important methods to drive to your dealership’s website are search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing. Some people mistakenly use the terms interchangeably; however, they are not the same thing. If you’re one of those wondering, “What’s the difference between SEO and content marketing?” the simple way to explain it is that content marketing is the …

3 Things to Know About Google’s ‘Content Update’

As Google Search continues to evolve to provide users with the most relevant results, Chumney & Associates always takes Google’s insights to heart and adjusts our methods to follow its suggestions for best practices. Google Search recently released what it calls a “helpful content update” to outline its efforts to make sure users find real content created by real people …

Google BERT algortithm

Breaking Down Google’s New BERT Algorithm

On October 25, Google began implementing its biggest update in years, known as BERT – Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. The update is a big leap forward in the Google AI being able to interpret user intent, especially with voice searches, and it’s expected to affect 10% of queries. Here’s how Google explained it: “These improvements are oriented around improving …

The importance of Google's RankBrain

The Importance of Google’s RankBrain

Nearly four years ago, when Google confirmed the existence of its core algorithm called “RankBrain,” the announcement signaled the end of keyword-focused strategy and the beginning of the effort to predict a user’s intent. Before this algorithm, sites had to create exact keyword phrases to ensure high placement in search results. By using factors such as a searcher’s location, personalization …

Geo-targeting vs competitive dealers

The Difference Between Geo-Targeting and Competitive Dealers

Auto dealerships are often named after the city they’re occupied in, and why not?  This is a very effective way to create some hometown appeal, and the name certainly sticks when the auto shopper is trying to remember where to visit.  That method also applies digitally: While bidding on a competitor by name could be an expensive exercise based on …

SEO Basics What Are Meta Tags

SEO Basics: What Are Meta Tags?

Search engine optimization becomes more and more important for auto dealerships wanting to increase online visibility and generate sales. Getting on that first page of search results requires a conscious effort to maximize your website copy’s SEO, but doing so also means going deeper than just keywords in the copy. You have to make the most of meta tags in …